Details of plant genetic resources

Passport data of JP 71561
JP No. (Accession No.)71561
Plant nameItalian Millet, Foxtail millet
Scientific nameSetaria italica (L.) P.Beauv.
Cultivar/Accession name87-10-2-4-1 COL/Pakistan/1987/KYOTO_U/87-10-2-4-1
ImageJP 71561 (Seed) JP 71561 (Panicle) JP 71561 (Panicle)
Collection sourceCollected
Collection No.87-10-2-4-1
Collection DateOct 2, 1987
Collection siteNWFP, Pakistan
Latitude/LongitudeGoogle Maps
Climate data
(WorldClim Ver 2.1)
Annual Mean Temperature: -2.8℃
Max Temperature of Warmest Month: 15.2℃
Min Temperature of Coldest Month: -21℃
Annual Precipitation: 431 mm
Precipitation of Wettest Month: 56 mm
Precipitation of Driest Month: 11 mm
Year of collection1987
Explored regionsPakistan
Target plantsRice and other crops
CollectorSadao Sakamoto(Kyoto Univ.), Makoto Kawase(National Institute of Agrobiological Resources)
ReferencesA Preliminary Report of the studies on Millet Cultivation and its Agro-pastral Culture Complex in the Indian Subcontient, II(1987) Kyoto Univ.
Conservation ID
  • 78204
Form of DistributionSeed
Standard Quantity of distribution100 seeds
  • Eda M, Izumitani A, Ichitani K, Kawase M, and Fukunaga K (2013). Geographical variation of foxtail millet, Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. based on rDNA PCR-RFLP. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 60: 265-274. [10.1007/s10722-012-9832-8]
Germination percentage98%
Application for distributionOrder
C&E Data (Foxtail millet - Conservation ID: 78204)
Leaf sheath colorSlightly pale redbox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Heading timeJul 19(AOMORI, 2006)
Culm thicknessThinbox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
MaturitySep 28(AOMORI, 2006)
Growth period134box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Panicle shapeConicalbox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Culm length97 (cm)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Panicle length10 (cm)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Number of panicles1box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Caryopsis shapeRoundbox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Color of lemma and paleaPale yellowbox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Flag leaf timeJul 16(AOMORI, 2006)
Flowering timeJul 21(AOMORI, 2006)
Flag leaf length22.2 (cm)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Flag leaf width25 (mm)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Number of tillers1box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Number of higher branches on the main culm0(AOMORI, 2006)
Bristle lengthIntermediatebox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
1000-grain weight3.5 (g)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Color of dehusked grainsYellowish whitebox plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Length of grain2.2 (mm)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)
Length of grain1.8 (mm)box plot(AOMORI, 2006)