Phylogenetic trees of genetic resources

Clickable phylogenetic trees of genetic resources. SVG capable browser is required.

  • Soybean
    A neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of 1,603 accessions, Japanese (n = 998) and exotic cultivated soybeans (n = 341), Japanese (n = 74) and exotic wild soybeans (n = 190), based on the allele sharing distance.
    • Reference Kaga et al. (2012). Evaluation of soybean germplasm conserved in NIAS genebank and development of mini core collections. Breeding Science 61: 566-592. [10.1270%2Fjsbbs.61.566]
  • Japanese species of the Fusarium graminearum species complex
    A neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree for the Japanese species of the Fusarium graminearum species complex based on Histone H3 gene. (Some overseas strains included)