Details of microorganism genetic resources

Details of MAFF 238880
MAFF No.238880
Scientific nameLasiodiplodia theobromae (Patouillard) Griffon et Maublanc
IdentifierT. Sato
SourceCorchorus olitorius L.
Site on the sourcestem lesion
Isolation dateMar 2000
IsolatorT. Sato
DepositorT. Sato
MediumPotato dextrose agar (hand made) (Potato 200g for decoction, Glucose 20g, Agar 17-20g, Distilled water 1000ml)
HazardPathogenic (plant)
PropertyPathogenicity (Jew's marrow Black band)
SequenceEF1-α ITS
PhotoMicrograph Micrograph Micrograph Plate, face Plate, reverse Plate, face Plate, reverse Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Symptom, etc.
  • Groenewald, J.Z., Nakashima, C., Nishikawa, J., Shin, H.-D., Park, J.-H., Jama, A.N., Groenewald, M., Braun, U. and Crous, P.W. (2013). Species concepts in Cercospora: spotting the weeds among the roses. Studies in Mycology 75: 115-170. [10.3114/sim0012]
  • Sato, T., Iwamoto, Y., Tomioka, K. and Takaesu, K. (2002). Black band of Jew's marrow (Corchorus olitorius), trunk rot of satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu) and screw-pine (Pandanus boninensis) fruit rot caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Japanese Journal of Phytopathology (Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan) 68(2): 186. []
  • Sato, T., Iwamoto, Y., Tomioka, K., Taba, S., Ooshiro, A. and Takaesu, K. (2008). Black band of Jew's marrow caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Journal of General Plant Pathology 74(1): 91-93. [10.1007/s10327-007-0056-2]
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