Details of plant genetic resources

Passport data of JP 230748
JP No. (Accession No.)230748
Plant nameWild Vigna (V. reflexo-pilosa)
Scientific nameVigna reflexo-pilosa Hayata
Cultivar/Accession nameCOL/PNG/2006/NIAS/CED2006PNG-38 2012BOYref50, SSD4709
ImageJP 230748 (Seed) JP 230748 (Seed)
Collection sourceCollected
RemarksBeside forest road
Collection No.06PNG-38
Collection DateJul 17, 2006
Collection siteKopi, Kikori, Gulf Province
Latitude/LongitudeGoogle Maps
Climate data
(WorldClim Ver 2.1)
Annual Mean Temperature: 25.5℃
Max Temperature of Warmest Month: 32.4℃
Min Temperature of Coldest Month: 20℃
Annual Precipitation: 5140 mm
Precipitation of Wettest Month: 600 mm
Precipitation of Driest Month: 267 mm
Detail of collection sourcewild
Conserved partsseed
Sampling methodIndividual
Herbarium specimenNon-availa
Environment of collection areaUnknown
Topography of collection siteUnknown
Information obtained at collection siteBeside forest road
Year of collection2006
Collection period07/03 - 07/21
Explored regionsPapua New Guinea
Target plantsrice and legumes
CollectorDuncan Vaughan, Shinsuke Yamanaka(National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences)
ReferencesAnnual Report on Exploration and Introduction of PGR Vol.23, 93-107, 2007
Conservation ID
  • 144842
Form of DistributionSeed
Standard Quantity of distribution20 seeds
Germination percentage96%
Application for distributionOrder
C&E Data (Other legumes - Conservation ID: 30030454, Sown on May 29, 2012)
Planting dateMay 29, 2012(IBARAKI, 2012)
Stem colorPurplebox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Germination typeHypogealbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Date of 50% floweringAug 23, 2012 2012/7/9から短日処理(11時間日長)(IBARAKI, 2012)
Flower color(Standard)Yellowbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Flower color(Wing)Yellowbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Flower color(Keel)Yellowbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Growth habitTwining:Stems twining to trellisbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Main stem length つる性の為計測せず。(IBARAKI, 2012)
Date of first pod maturitySep 18, 2012 2012/10/1より加温(最低温度15度設定)(IBARAKI, 2012)
Shattering in the fieldYesbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Color of mature podBlackbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Mature pod pubescenceGlabrousbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Pod length6.8 (cm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Seeds per pod9box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
100 seed weight2.6 (g)box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Seed coat colorPale brown 斑多く、ほぼ黒褐に見える。box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Seed mottled colorBlackish brownbox plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Seed length4.0 (mm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Seed width2.8 (mm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
Seed thickness2.8 (mm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2012)
C&E Data (Other legumes - Conservation ID: 30030454, Sown on Sep 1, 2006)
Planting dateSep 1, 2006(IBARAKI, 2006)
Stem colorPurplebox plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Date of 50% floweringFeb 26, 2007(IBARAKI, 2006)
Flower color(Standard)Yellowbox plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Flower color(Wing)Yellowbox plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Flower color(Keel)Yellowbox plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Growth habitTwining:Stems twining to trellisbox plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Seed length4.5 (mm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Seed width3.3 (mm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Seed thickness3.1 (mm)box plot(IBARAKI, 2006)
Observer's commentsつる。毛あり。莢とれず、収穫なし。(IBARAKI, 2006)